Jumat, 14 September 2012

a good story for Tata.....

Sekedar share, ngga sengaja aku nemu bukunya Norman Vincent Peale ( beliau banyak menulis buku tentang motivasi ) yang berjudul " You Can If You Think You Can ".  Sebetulnya aku sudah membaca dalam versi bahasa Indonesianya sewaktu masih tinggal di Jogja, eh di US aku menemukan lagi tentu saja dalam bahasa Inggris. Perlu diketahui aku nge fans banget sama bapak " Norman V. Peale " sayang sekarang beliau sudah tiada.

Yang mau saya share ini adalah salah satu surat yang diterima beliau pada waktu itu, dan terasa spesial karena pengirimnya adalah mahasiswi dari Indonesia ( dulunya ) yang sekarang tinggal di Amerika dan beruntung sempat bertemu dengan penulis yang saya kagumi tersebut. OK. baiklah aku coba tulis pengantar selengkapnya di buku tsb.

Just One Word More

 Did you ever stop to think what a book can do ? A book can written from a positive and a inspirational point of view? I wish it were possible to reproduce here many of letters received which tell of the marvelous result such book have had in people's experience. Let me give you just one, a letter that came just as I was finishing this manuscript. It tells what a book did for a young woman, Loan Eng Tjioe, Ph.D. She writes :

Dear Doctor Peale :

Your book guided me through difficult phases of my life even before I came to the United States. I was still in my home country in Indonesia, when I came accros your book. Stay Alive All Your Life . At that time I was an unhappy, frustrated college student. I wanted to go abroad badly to receive a better education and to see the world outside my country look like.

Many friends of mine had gone to Europe for study. and I accompanied them one by one to the airport, where I said goodbye to them. I always came home with a tearsasking when it would be my turn to go too. However my father was a small bussinesman and have five children to take care of. It was immpossible for him ti finance to study in Europe.

I knew a miracle had to happen If I were ever to go abroad. Then I found your book and learn that I could get what I wanted, if I but believed ! your book also said I  have to act as if I were sure I would get what I wanted . Well, I thought I have nothing to lose to try it.

I told my self that I would get a scholarship to Germany, the country that I wanted to study, because Psyichology, the subject I majored in originated there. I started taking German lessons intensively. I wrote to German universities asking about possibilities of a scholarship. They all replied in negative. No one could give me a scholarship unless I was already studying in Germany and proving my abilities there.  But I kept on believing. My parent thought I had gone out of my mind to fight such a hopeless struggle. I let them talk and one day I received a letter from the University of Bonn that they were willing to consider my application.

I was excited and nervous. Now I have to go a step further in my positive thinking. I have to believe that I was going to study at the University of Bonn in Germany. I found  picture of this university and posted it on the wall of my bedroom. I kept looking at it and told my self : " That is where you are going to study ".  I learn the Germany Language even more intensively.Then after an agony of nearly a year, I received the letter that I had indeed won a scholarship. Three monts later I left for Germany.

This happen about eights years ago. It was the first but not the last time in my life, which showed me that God is willing to give you everything you asked for, if you but believe.

I always thought that I would like to see you in person one day. Now this wish has been fulfilled, since my husband and I living in New York at present. This Sunday our son will be baptized by you. Who would have thought a long ago as I was still in Indonesia, clinging to your book as my only source of hope. Thank you very, very much !
 May God bless you

                                                                                                    Sincerely yours

                                                                                                    Loan Eng Tjioe

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